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7 Things Everyone Needs to Know About Jesus

...and yet, being tainted with sorrow and evil, It leaves us with the question,

If God is good why is there pain, suffering and injustice?​


The whole narrative of the bible speaks right into the very core of our situation


God is better than we think.

Every good thing in our world is a gift from him. You and I are the pinnacle of that creation. We are ‘made in the image of God’ meaning that we have the capacity to reflect and express what is good.


We are in deeper trouble than we realised

Something is desperately wrong with our world. Also, we, as the pinnacle of God’s creation, have lived independently of God’s amazingly good purpose & plan for our lives


God’s ‘rescue plan’ is more radical than we ever imagined.

He sent Jesus to deal with the very foundation of all that is wrong, to free us to be all that we were meant to be and to ultimately free this world from all pain, suffering and evil.


So who is Jesus and what makes him so important?


1 - Jesus is the Christ

Jesus has been given the authority & power by God

to overthrow every power of evil, illness, addiction & oppression​

and to free us from the penalty of every wrong we have ever done.

2 - Jesus was Crucified

Jesus death atones for every evil ever committed.


​3 - Jesus Rose from the Dead.

In defeating death itself, Jesus opens for us the possibility of eternal life through him.


4 - We Experience Him a new desire to reflect who God is. the breaking of old vices & habits, illness & disease. an ongoing communication with God & experiencing his miraculous power

5 - We will all Give an Account of our Moral Choices

In a final & unchanging judgement that is fixed for eternity, every human being will give account to Jesus for what they have done with the life he has given them

6 - All the Prophets Spoke of Jesus

The many prophets of the bible accurately told of the place of his birth, his ministry, his life, the manner of his death, his rising from the dead and many accurate & specific details of his suffering and crucifixion.

7 - Whoever Trusts in and Commits to Following Jesus is Totally Forgiven

Jesus, in having paid the price for sin & evil in full, invites us to him freely.

Anyone who comes to Jesus, putting their faith in him to follow him, receives eternal life.

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This page gives you an introduction to the Christian faith along with 7 key things you need to know about Jesus. Below that are a series of excellent videos that also give you a basic introduction.

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