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Kenny Porter's Story

I was a heroin addict. It destroyed my health, my family & my friendships
but my mess was to become his message.

I wasn't doing well at life and something needed to change. I came to realise I could not change by myself. I was in with the wrong crowd and with guys more experienced at life. This led me into smoking, drinking and heroin.

Kenny Porter, free from heroin addiction

I was searching for something and heroin seemed to be it, but everything it promised it gave the opposite: it completely took hold and over time destroyed my health, my family and my friendships. I was a heroin addict. And this meant everything that came with it: committing crime and being in and out of young offenders institutes.

Eventually I was able to kick the habit with the help of Teen Challenge. I came to hear about Jesus and how He could help me live a free life. But me being young and not handing it all over, I ended up turning my back on God and went back to the familiar life I knew. I was prescribed painkillers and this became a daily habit that went from 50-70 pills a day. I couldn’t stop. It was such a secretive addiction. From the outside everything looked normal. I worked, ran a home and raised three boys. But I just could not stop taking them. I then made things worse by adding diazepam into the mix. {Diazepam is a tranquillizing muscle-relaxant drug used chiefly to relieve anxiety.}  

Kenny Porter {right} with close friend and fellow resident of Corby, Damian Carr

My relationship with my partner and boys completely broke down. I began losing work because nobody wanted to employ me. I crashed vehicles and started having seizures. I was slowly dying. I knew in my heart the only One who could help me was God. 

In March 2016 I came back to Teen Challenge. I knew what to expect and what I needed to do...surrender! I needed to give God full control of my life. With this mindset I was able to focus on the Bible and receive good teaching, allowing God to work in my heart and mind.

God has shown me He loves me and has a plan and purpose for my life, but this only came when I understood that God wanted a relationship with me...but on His terms! God has shown me how precious life is and what Jesus did when He died for me on the cross... and how this is for everyone. God has blessed me in so many ways through gifting me to lead worship and giving me the opportunity to reach out to those trapped in addiction who need the same love and care I needed. Genesis 50:20 says, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been or what your past looks like, God can turn your life around and use you to do amazing things. Your mess will become His message! Nothing is wasted.

With the story of Joseph in the Bible, trusting in the goodness of God carried him through terrible trials with a joyful spirit, free from bitterness and complaining. This allowed him to move on and live life to the full, bringing restoration to his family and even saving the nations from a famine. His story has helped me a lot.

Ultimately I can now look anyone in the eye and say, "I am know. I’m a child of God. I am worth something and God has a job for me."

Sharing is caring!

Kenny Porter

London, United Kingdom                                                       

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