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Louie Souribio's story

I just got to a point where I got confused as to what I’m really believing in.

Growing up in a catholic family I never questioned anything that I was taught about the faith. I followed everything as per tradition in doing what needs to be done to become a good catholic christian. Go to church every Sunday, serve in church as a member of knights of the altar, memorize a set of prayers, consider and revere statues of saints made of wood and stone as holy and many more.

I encountered Christ through my wife which I find funny because all throughout my (maybe) 20 years of being a catholic I never really encountered Christ or have known that Christ is the center of the Christian faith. I know all about the bible parable stories , the Trinity, that Christ was born and is the Son of God but never really thought of Him as the most important piece of the puzzle. Not until I had questions of my own that needs answered like “why do Catholics revere/consider the statues holy? (to a point that they even kiss them)”, “Why do we need to ask the priest for forgiveness? Then pray a set number of Our Father, Holy Mary prayers?”, “If God is God then do we really need to do this stuff?”, “Why do priests/nuns not marry?”, “Why can’t nuns become priests?”. I just got to a point where I got confused as to what I’m really believing in.


I can list more but I’ve encountered Christ gradually through answered questions from a biblical point of view which is the view that comes from the bible itself and not from some traditions that has been passed through generations. The more knowledge I gain from understanding the bible the more I get to know who God really is through Christ.

I learned to rely more on the validity of the bible as a word breathed in by God and my understanding of the biblical point of view ever since then. I now find more clarity in the world around me where everything seems to just fall into place and no confusion at all. If I have questions about my faith and how I view the world around me then all I need to do is go back to my Bible, look for Christ and ask God to reveal to me the answers I seek.

sharing is caring

 Louie Souribio

London, United Kingdom                                                       

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